Why? Gettin' dem Lindens! Chicks don't dig campers and you will find there are a multitude of things in SL that you would like to purchase, and if you have to spend all your time dancing on a camp pad to get those lindens, well that's gonna cut into your courting time. Additionally, being caught short when you could really stand to have an extra hundred lindens on you is quite embarrassing. The ladies of SL like the occasional gift and when she spies that ring that would just complete her outfit, being the guy to deliver that accoutrement will pay off in spades later, if you're lucky.
What other reason could I have for having a premium account? Land ownership. Feeling frisky? Found a little lady that wants to trip the light fantastic with you? Many women in SL are all about the sexual aspect of the internet, i.e. "cybering" for you that don't know, but a great majority of them really love the visual aspect of it. Having to take them to a free sex area for your romantic interlude may be alright at first, hell, it's probably where you met her, but soon they are going to want to a more private setting. Believe it or not, many women actually are not comfortable showing nudity in public, and that goes for their avatars as well. I know, who'd a thunk it? Giving her a private place to display her goodies, and get a peek at your style of decorating, will make her much more relaxed and ready to unleash the sexual tigress she's been hiding all this time.
Need another, non-sexual, reason for a premium account? Business. Opportunities abound in SL for a shrewed businessman. SecondLife actually presents a real chance to make real money for its online users. Find that unfilled niche, and no, I'm not talking about hers, and begin your journey into the world of virtual commerce. Oh, and chicks dig the power associated with a SL shopkeep.... just sayin'.
*A side note for the ladies: Just because a guy has lindens does not mean he's a bank. Unless you negotiated a fee up front, that blowjob you gave him three weeks ago does not entitle you to randomly hit him up for cash anytime you are short. You don't want to be treated like a hooker, so please don't act like one.
In my upcoming posts, I'll be talking about some of the main things you should purchase in your quest for the perfect woman. Be forewarned, they are not cheap, but seriously, how can you put a price on love? Unless it's $5.99 per minute...
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